I think we can all remember the excitement of a snow day when we were little. The joys of sleeping late, being forced to stay inside your house, and watching TV or playing games with the family. Well, everyone once in awhile we get that day in Italy, except it is because of a bus strike!
For most people a bus strike is a major hassle. Not only are the buses not running, but also most of the time this includes the tram, metro, trains running out of Roma, and airplanes. The city transportation system literally shuts down and one can be stuck in Roma! Since I have been in Roma there have been three bus strikes. This is mind boggling to think that on a monthly basis the whole city is paralyzed because of a strike. It is not unusual, but rather a normal part of life as a Roman. Usually, on the day of the bus strike it is impossible to get a taxi. This week there was a scare that possibly the taxis might strike on the same day. The past two days taxi drivers have been striking (unannounced so it is illegal) about a potential increase of five hundred cabs at night. In return for adding five hundred new cabs, the fare would increase 18%. Taxi drivers were striking because they did not think passengers would pay the new suggested increase and did not want the new cabs. Although the increase would be steep, especially with the weak dollar, I would be in favor of adding new cabs. At night, it can be difficult to find a cab in Roma. It is not safe to take the night bus, so one could spend an hour just trying to get a cab. I think people would pay the fare because they are going to want a safe ride home, no matter what the cost. While I sympathize about the major inconvenience, every once in awhile it is comforting just to sleep in and enjoy the day around the house…and I get to have that tomorrow!
Bus strike Update:
I wrote that yesterday before the strike. Today, the tram and a few buses are running. There have been a lot of flights cancelled, but a few are still running. The city seems a little more quite today. I was by the Pantheon (buying AS Roma soccer ticket!) and I did not notice anything out of the ordinary. All and all it is a beautiful sunny day in Roma to have the day off!