Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Good Morning!

Every morning I like to start my day with a cappuccino and cornetto from the local Tabacchi. A cornetto is a croissant that comes in a variety of forms. I usually get it with sugar on top, but you can get it with chocolate, sugar, cream, or jam (usually apricot or peach). At the tabacchi there is a certain etiquette to ordering food that should be followed. First, I go to the cashier and tell he/she what I desire. Unlike The States, I have to pay first and then go to the counter to order. Depending on the Tabacchi, I either tell him what I want while showing him the receipt or they will read the receipt, rip it in half, and prepare my order. Sometimes I put a ten or twenty cents coin on top of the receipt as a tip, but it is not necessary. Most of the time I eat standing at the counter and the whole process is about five minutes. Breakfast is not a lingering meal, but merely a quick energizer to start the day.

Below is an example of different drinks ordered at the Tabacchi:

Un Caffè


Un Cappuccino

Cappuccino (Espresso with milk)

Un Caffè Lungo

American Coffee

Un Caffè Macchiato

A coffee with milk

Un Caffè Freddo

An ice coffee

Un tè al latte

Tea with milk

Un tè al limone

Tea with lemon

Un tè freddo

Ice tea

One other important rule: Never order a cappuccino in the afternoon. You can order a caffè, but it is not acceptable to order a cappuccino.

Additionally, I have noticed that soda is not as popular here as in The States. It is cheaper to buy a bottle of water in a Tabacchi than it is a can of soda. Some stores charge a 1.5 euro to buy a twelve ounce can and water is about .50 euro cents.


C. Meloni said...

I loved your post about your breakfast. How I miss those cappuccino-cornetto breakfasts!

Thanks for the great chart!

C. Meloni said...
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