Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Jet lagged and it feels so good!

Actually, I lied. The jet lag is terrible, but being in Rome is fabulous! I arrived a few hours ago to Rome and have been busy unpacking and trying to find internet service. I am going out for my first Roman meal tonight and am very excited. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am great and can't believe that I am finally here! The first major difference I noticed is the keyboard buttons are different. I still can't find the @ sign and keep having to copy and paste it..if someone knows how to get it on the keyboard Iwould greatly appreciate it! ciao!


Oliver said...

YAY! I am vicariously excited for you. I can't wait to hear more of your adventures, especially the culinary ones. I have no idea how to make the @ sign, but I'll put it here (@) so you can count on finding one to paste in--so clever you are!

Dr. Robbins said...

italian keyboard on wikipedia

National Capital Language Resource Center